Teaching Assistant
- CEGE 5180 (4160) Methods for intelligent transportation systems, UMN, Fall 2023
- Graduate- and undergraduate-level
- ITS methods of system control and machine learning
- CEGE 3201 Transportation Engineering, UMN, Spring 2021
- Undergraduate-level
- Traffic Engineering Topic: Geometric factors, traffic flow theory
- ITS Topic: Automated vehicles and intelligent transportation systems
- CEE 410 Traffic Engineering Fundamentals, UW, Spring 2019
- Graduate- and undergraduate-level
- Topic: Concepts of HCM calculation, traffic flow theory, transportation engineering and statistics
Guest Lecturer
- Engineering Discovery Days, University of Washington, Spring 2019
- Topic: Transportation Data Science
Undergraduate Student Supervision
Alexander Halatsis, Aerospace Engineering, University of Minnesota, Summer & Fall 2023.
Benjamin Rosenblad, Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota, Fall 2022.
Matthew Fillippeli, Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota, Spring 2022.
Joshua Klavins, Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota, Spring 2021 - Summer 2022.
John Cullom, Computer Science, University of Minnesota, Fall 2020 - Spring 2021.